Monday, October 27, 2008

Vitiligo Causes

Vitiligo Causes
Vitiligo is a very common disorder, affecting some 40-50 million people across the globe, but why does one person fall a victim to it, while another in similar circumstances does not, is still a mystery. It means Vitiligo causes may vary from person to person.

There are many theories exist regarding vitiligo causes. Here under we will discuss some prominent one about the vitiligo causes.

Auto-Immunity and Vitiligo Causes:Of all that we know about causes of vitiligo, auto-immunity is one of the best understood factors. It means that your own body starts producing antibodies, which destroy, color producing cells of the skin, known as melanocytes. Vitiligo has been found to be associated with many auto-immune disorders like thyroid disease, adrenocortical insufficiency, alopecia areata (patches of baldness), and pernicious anemia. These, and other similar facts strongly supports the autoimmune theory.

Inheritance and Vitiligo Causes:
Inheritance of vitiligo is also a popular and scientifically corroborated theory. Vitiligo is certainly more common in the blood relations of an affected individual. It is however clear that the inheritance in vitiligo is not simple, and it currently is not possible to predict the probability of vitiligo in the offspring of an affected would be parent.

Some people with vitiligo have also reported correlation with a single event like severe sunburn or an episode of emotional distress. It is however not clear whether such episodes had an inciting or a precipitating role in causing vitiligo. It is hence safe to assume at the moment, that vitiligo results from more than one causes, like genetics, autoimmunity and severe physical or emotional stress. Whether however they operate singly or jointly, is yet to be explored.